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Biological Anthropology Assignment 1

Biological Anthropology Assignment 1

Q Watch the following two videos that focus on the actual field of forensic anthropology: -“Bone Whispering with Kari Bruwelheide”; this short video gives a brief overview of the major factors that forensic anthropologists look for and try to identify when analyzing skeletal remains. -“The New Detectives: Written in Bone”; this episode of a true crime-style TV show gives a good overview of the level of involvement forensic anthropologists have in police investigations. Then, watch any episode of Bones that seems of interest to you. You should be focusing on the aspects of the show that portray actual forensic methods and anthropological principles. (They are, admittedly, sometimes few and far between. Try to find an episode that focuses more on that and less on the character drama.) You can find the show on multiple TV stations on rerun, on Hulu, or at your local library. In a 3-5 page paper, discuss what you learned about the limitations of forensic anthropology; what can and cannot be learned from bones, what a forensic anthropologist’s role in a typical investigation is, and in what types of contexts they often apply their skills. Overall, do you think Bones is accurate? Why or why not? Are there some parts that are more accurate than others? If so, which parts?

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Anthropology is a varied subject and is mainly concerned about the evolution of humans, what are the things that makes us human, the evolution of human society, values, norms, language and customs. It has many sub fields, such as biological anthropology, cultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology. The part, which studies human remains, is called biological anthropology and forensic anthropology is a special sub part of this branch.